Amberwoods Of Farmington

416 Colt Highway, Farmington, Connecticut, United States - 6032

Last Updated: May 23, 2019

5/5 Overall Rating according to

Medicare and Medicaid

Amberwoods Of Farmington is a nursing home facility located in Farmington, CT that accepts patients from Medicare and Medicaid. Its current rating is 5/5 while 3.64/5 is the state average for this kind of facility. This nursing home has Corporation ownership with 130 beds approved for Medicare and Medicaid, of this beds 100.1 are currently occupied.

Overall Medicaid & Medicare Rating Information For Amberwoods Of Farmington

The data below is based on information provided from online reviews and information released by Medicare.

Overall Rating

The overall rating for Amberwoods Of Farmington takes into account various factors including health ratings, fines, staffing, quality and penalty information.

Rating is 5/5

Health Rating

This rating is based on a weighted average of recent health audits.

Rating is 5/5

Quality Rating

Amberwoods Of Farmington's quality rating is based on data assesed from clinical measurements.

Rating is 5/5

Staff Rating

Amberwoods Of FarmingtonCenter’s staff rating is formed by different measures of staffing such as how much time nurses and health experts spend on each of the patient in the facility.

Rating is 5/5

Amberwoods Of Farmington Pictures

Amberwoods Of Farmington

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Facility Information For Amberwoods Of Farmington

Below you find the most important statistics for Amberwoods Of Farmington in Farmington. For more information you can also visit the website.

Nursing Home Information

  • Medicare and Medicaid
  • Located In Hospital
  • On Medicaid Since 8/13/99
  • Continuing Care Retirement Community
  • Changed Ownership In Last 2 Years

Safety & Health Information

  • Has Sprinkler System
  • 1 Substantiated Complaint
  • $12,678 Total Fines
  • 3 Facility Incidents

Staff Information

  • 0.31 staff hours per resident per day
  • 4.29 nurse hours per resident per day

Other Information

  • 0.31 staff hours per resident per day
  • 4.29 nurse hours per resident per day

Compare Amberwoods Of Farmington to Nearby Facilities

Amberwoods Of Farmington is ranked 21 out of total 256 Nursing Homes Facilities in the city of Farmington, 327 out of 1054 facilities within 100 mile radius and 11 out of 223 facilities within the state of Connecticut.

Farmington Nursing Home Facilities
21st out of 256 facilities
Top 92% of 256 nursing home facilities in Farmington
Nursing Home Facilities within 100 miles of Amberwoods Of Farmington
327th out of 1054 facilities
Top 69% of 1054 nursing home facilities within 100 miles
Connecticut Nursing Home Facilities
11th out of 223 facilities
Top 95% of 223 nursing home facilities in Connecticut

SeniorServiceDirectory Reviews for Amberwoods Of Farmington

We currently have 1 review(s) for this provider. Add yours below.


  • FOOD




Betsy M on 19 May 2023 :
I'll never go back, I wouldn't let them rehab my dog. Where to begin? It's all bright and sunny in the main entrance, ask to look into empty rooms, if they steer you away any room that's a room you insist to see. Go to every section, take the complete tour. Listen to the aides and nurses talking, that'll end your tour right there. Continue to the kitchen, ask to go in, if they say it's off limits I'm willing to bet it's in really bad shape AGAIN. Bad attitudes but there were some lovely aides for sure. Doctor? Where? You have 7 seconds to state your case before they walk away, with their infamous "i'll be right back' and don't return. My experience was so bad I needed to file a police report. Do your homework, the ratings are NOT true. Give them 1 star. I saw them throw a lady, aid got fired. I babysat a dementia patient for 18 hours so they aides could stay in the break room having fights, I mean real fights. Chairs flying, the joy of being near an 'employee' playpen. There are no adults running this show trust me. My food was tampered with, I went to the director and 3 cameras were erased. Only later did i find it was the directors son that committed that crime. I will not walk away, never. Impacted 2 times, never given anything to treat it and had to manually remove feces with 17 broken bones. BRING YOUR OWN! Ask to see the basement, those are PEOPLE. They tried to hinder an ambulance, were cited for not having a door open, not giving EMTs the codes to get through the building and not show them my room, HEART. They are NOT set up for dementia or rehab, the beds do not have rails. If you're in a wheel chair forget about getting into the bathrooms, look at the corners, the rust, the ceilings. I enjoyed watching the elderly get company and staff is all over them, sweetie, darling, honey, all smiles until the family leaves. Good luck just getting a cup of water! Everyone in there needs a urine test, The things screamed in the next room were insane, it was two employees and every day for over a week they screamed for hours. Someone wasn't happy the law was broken. Oh this story is priceless and the entire world will know. It's a racket nothing more. They're going to try and hide all the nastiness but that would mean closing it down and I'm happy to help.

Map Of Facility