Brodie Ranch Nursing & Rehab Center is a nursing home facility located in Austin, TX that accepts patients from Medicare and Medicaid. Its current rating is 3/5 while 2.59/5 is the state average for this kind of facility. This nursing home has Corporation ownership with 120 beds approved for Medicare and Medicaid, of this beds 106 are currently occupied.
Overall Medicaid & Medicare Rating Information For Brodie Ranch Nursing & Rehab Center
The data below is based on information provided from online reviews and information released by Medicare.
Overall Rating
The overall rating for Brodie Ranch Nursing & Rehab Center takes into account various factors including health ratings, fines, staffing, quality and penalty information.
Rating is 3/5
Health Rating
This rating is based on a weighted average of recent health audits.
Rating is 4/5
Quality Rating
Brodie Ranch Nursing & Rehab Center's quality rating is based on data assesed from clinical measurements.
Rating is 3/5
Staff Rating
Brodie Ranch Nursing & Rehab CenterCenter’s staff rating is formed by different measures of staffing such as how much time nurses and health experts spend on each of the patient in the facility.
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Facility Information For Brodie Ranch Nursing & Rehab Center
Below you find the most important statistics for Brodie Ranch Nursing & Rehab Center in Austin. For more information you can also visit the website.
Nursing Home Information
Medicare and Medicaid
Located In Hospital
On Medicaid Since 10/28/10
Continuing Care Retirement Community
Changed Ownership In Last 2 Years
Safety & Health Information
Has Sprinkler System
4 Substantiated Complaint
$0 Total Fines
0 Facility Incidents
Staff Information
0.56 staff hours per resident per day
2.86 nurse hours per resident per day
Other Information
0.56 staff hours per resident per day
2.86 nurse hours per resident per day
Compare Brodie Ranch Nursing & Rehab Center to Nearby Facilities
Brodie Ranch Nursing & Rehab Center is ranked 35 out of total 84 Nursing Homes Facilities in the city of Austin, 94 out of 263 facilities within 100 mile radius and 398 out of 1233 facilities within the state of Texas.
Austin Nursing Home Facilities
35th out of 84 facilities
Top 58% of 84 nursing home facilities in Austin
Nursing Home Facilities within 100 miles of Brodie Ranch Nursing & Rehab Center
94th out of 263 facilities
Top 64% of 263 nursing home facilities within 100 miles
Texas Nursing Home Facilities
398th out of 1233 facilities
Top 68% of 1233 nursing home facilities in Texas
SeniorServiceDirectory Reviews for Brodie Ranch Nursing & Rehab Center
We currently have 1 review(s) for this provider. Add yours below.
Mike on 10 Dec 2020 :
My name is Mike. I stayed over two weeks at Brodie Ranch. I was pleased to meet and work with several very good people there. But they are greatly outnumbered by loud, surly, obnoxious employees.My first night there, I was kept awake by constant loud noise. Some goober was dragging a contractor-size trash can up and down the hall. It was on a big piece of cardboard which helped to loudly resonate the dragging noises as he dragged it up the hallway. Then he turned around and dragged it down the hallway. Then dragged it halfway up the hallway, paused, and dragged it the rest of the way up the hallway. Back and forth, back and forth from about 8:00 PM to 10:30 pm when he quit. Then the noise from the centrally located nurses' station took over. I don't know how many people were at the station, but at least two were constantly hooting and hollering to keep me awake till about 5:00 AM. When I mentioned this the next day, I was asked which shift was making the noise (I don't know … which shift is from 10:00PM to 5:00AM?). I said I didn't think they were employees; surely anyone who works there would know better than to make loud block-party noises while patients were trying to sleep and heal. I was assured that yes, they were employees. Obnoxious, loud, Brodie Ranch employees. A persistent theme among them is hollering to each other through the hallways. Daytime or nighttime makes no difference. Several times, I was startled awake by them coming into my room and shouting loudly for no apparent reason.My first roommate had some mental disturbance. During the night he often became agitated with his bedding, and would flip his head to the foot of his bed. Sometimes, he would get up for a minute, then fall on the hard floor with a loud slapping noise. I always pressed the call help switch, which turns on an alert light outside the room. No one ever responded to that. Not ever. Getting out of bed was very difficult and painful for me, but I did it to walk to the nurses' station for help. One night, this happened three times, and I repeatedly pushed my walker to the station to get help. The staff always appeared to be annoyed that I disturbed them, so I told them I didn't know what else I should do. They just said they would take care of it. I assumed they meant now that I had gotten out of bed and pushed my walker up the hallway to their station while they ignored the alert light.The next day, I was moved across the hall into a room with just me, no explanation why. Concerned for my first roommate, I pushed my walker halfway across the hall and stopped just to look into his room. An aid or nurse standing in the hallway talking with someone abruptly fussed at me, "You can't go in there." I explained that I wasn't going in, just looking in, and asked if he had been falling anymore. She rudely snapped, "I hope not," and dismissed me to continue her talk with the other person. I was never allowed to check in on him and was always treated rudely when I tried. Later, it occurred to me their method of taking care of his problem was to get me out of the way.In a few days, a new patient was brought in to be my roommate. He was allowed to leave the television on loudly all night, every night. When I mentioned how it kept me awake, the aids would look at me like I was a terrible person, and never did a thing about it. He began stealing from me, which got me more dirty looks, and nothing done about it. Several times a group of nurses or aids would hover around him asking if he was being treated well, and was anyone being impolite to him, or doing anything he did not like, etc. He seemed to be quite a V.I.P., and I never heard such concerns regarding me or any other patient.They weighed me twice for whatever reasons. The first time, I was hydraulically jacked upward in a sort of engine hoist while trussed in a set of straps which cut into me and painfully stretched my surgical wound. I was very glad to get out of that rig. The next time I was shoved into a wheelchair without foot guards. The abusive aid repeatedly crashed my feet into walls and whatever to get me to a weigh station platform in a different hall. She yanked me out of the chair and shoved me forward onto the platform for weighing. It was up to me to move my feet quickly enough to stay upright. Then she yanked me backward to plop down into the wheelchair which, again, was painful. I was the only one who cared.On my last day, I was surprised with news an ambulance would arrive soon to take me back to a hospital. I had about ten minutes to pack my belongings in several bags when the ambulance team arrived and strapped me on a gurney. They told me I could take just one small bag, so I chose a zippered pouch holding my wallet. The rest of my property was in a closet and on the floor of my room. In particular, one Brodie Ranch official was telling me to not worry, and insisted she would gather my things and locked them in her office for safekeeping. She told me it would be kept "under lock and key" until I returned or had them forward it all to me. She and the other personnel sounded sincere and trustworthy.Turns out, they are the opposite of trustworthy, and I never saw my property again. My brother called this particular official several times over the next few weeks attempting to pick up my stuff. Repeatedly, he was lied to and misdirected by Brodie Ranch. One week, he was told she meant to gather it and bring it to her office, and would do it soon. The next week, she said she was going to do that, and would have it done that day. A week later, she said the man who does the collecting was on vacation, and as soon as he got back, he would surely collect my property and bring it to her. The man who does the collecting? Am I stupid? Of course, they never meant to safe keep anything and I have to assume the jackals had already picked through and stole whatever they wanted.Out of the hospital again, I was sent to a different rehab clinic. Some officials there contacted Brodie Ranch on my behalf still trying to get my property back. Day after day, they were stonewalled and misdirected. Finally they gave me the good news that Brodie Ranch had sent my stuff, and it would arrive later that day. What arrived was one plastic bag with two items of underwear, a few t-shirts, and a pair of dork shorts. I had never seen any of these items - none of them were mine. They had simply grabbed some scraps from their laundry and sent them my way. That's right … they knew how to send scraps to me, but wouldn't send my valuable personal items. My good stuff got the special Brodie Ranch thieving jackal treatment.Nowhere in that measly bag were my hat, my cargo shorts, my golf shirt, my expensive flashlight, my expensive pocket knife, my toenail clippers, special pillow, my shoes, etc.Nowhere in that measly bag were the fingernail clippers, toothbrush, toothpaste, shaving gear, shorts, shirts, socks, duffel bag, books, stationery, pens, etc. that my brother sent to me.Nowhere in that measly bag were the important therapy tools given to me by my therapists, or the pages of special instructions given to me by the hospital after surgery.The personnel at Brodie Ranch knew these things were mine. They knew my name and contact information. They knew the hospital I was taken to and how to reach me. They knew my brothers' name and contact information. They could have told us they changed their minds and intended to steal every last item from me, but they did not. Instead, they repeatedly claimed all was well, and that they were keeping everything safe for me.What kind of low-life trash steals from an invalid? The kind of low-life trash hired on by Brodie Ranch. The kind of low-life trash kept on at Brodie Ranch. The kind of low-life trash waiting for you at Brodie Ranch.Again, there are several very good people there - a pleasure to work with and be around. But they are vastly outnumbered by the foul. And the good ones almost entirely disappear at night and on weekends, leaving you alone with the surly, belligerent, noisy junk.
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