Cedar Crest Nursing And Rehabilitation Center

797 E Fremont Avenue, Sunnyvale, California, United States - 94087

Last Updated: May 23, 2019

5/5 Overall Rating according to MediCare.gov

Medicare and Medicaid

Cedar Crest Nursing And Rehabilitation Center is a nursing home facility located in Sunnyvale, CA that accepts patients from Medicare and Medicaid. Its current rating is 5/5 while 3.6/5 is the state average for this kind of facility. This nursing home has Corporation ownership with 99 beds approved for Medicare and Medicaid, of this beds 85.4 are currently occupied.

Overall Medicaid & Medicare Rating Information For Cedar Crest Nursing And Rehabilitation Center

The data below is based on information provided from online reviews and information released by Medicare.

Overall Rating

The overall rating for Cedar Crest Nursing And Rehabilitation Center takes into account various factors including health ratings, fines, staffing, quality and penalty information.

Rating is 5/5

Health Rating

This rating is based on a weighted average of recent health audits.

Rating is 4/5

Quality Rating

Cedar Crest Nursing And Rehabilitation Center's quality rating is based on data assesed from clinical measurements.

Rating is 5/5

Staff Rating

Cedar Crest Nursing And Rehabilitation CenterCenter’s staff rating is formed by different measures of staffing such as how much time nurses and health experts spend on each of the patient in the facility.

Rating is 4/5

Cedar Crest Nursing And Rehabilitation Center Pictures

Cedar Crest Nursing And Rehabilitation Center

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Facility Information For Cedar Crest Nursing And Rehabilitation Center

Below you find the most important statistics for Cedar Crest Nursing And Rehabilitation Center in Sunnyvale. For more information you can also visit the MediCare.gov website.

Nursing Home Information

  • Medicare and Medicaid
  • Located In Hospital
  • On Medicaid Since 5/9/02
  • Continuing Care Retirement Community
  • Changed Ownership In Last 2 Years

Safety & Health Information

  • Has Sprinkler System
  • 0 Substantiated Complaint
  • $0 Total Fines
  • 0 Facility Incidents

Staff Information

  • 0.4 staff hours per resident per day
  • 3.93 nurse hours per resident per day

Other Information

  • 0.4 staff hours per resident per day
  • 3.93 nurse hours per resident per day

Compare Cedar Crest Nursing And Rehabilitation Center to Nearby Facilities

Cedar Crest Nursing And Rehabilitation Center is ranked 13 out of total 203 Nursing Homes Facilities in the city of Sunnyvale, 16 out of 362 facilities within 100 mile radius and 40 out of 1201 facilities within the state of California.

Sunnyvale Nursing Home Facilities
13th out of 203 facilities
Top 94% of 203 nursing home facilities in Sunnyvale
Nursing Home Facilities within 100 miles of Cedar Crest Nursing And Rehabilitation Center
16th out of 362 facilities
Top 96% of 362 nursing home facilities within 100 miles
California Nursing Home Facilities
40th out of 1201 facilities
Top 97% of 1201 nursing home facilities in California

SeniorServiceDirectory Reviews for Cedar Crest Nursing And Rehabilitation Center

We currently have 1 review(s) for this provider. Add yours below.


  • FOOD




Ken on 30 Sep 2021 :
My dad had the pleasure of staying at Cedar Crest when he was discharged from the hospital for rehabilitation. I like to share my experience and what occurred during our stay. When my dad was transferred from the hospital to this facility he was welcomed by the staff as he entered. Being overwhelmed with all the documents I need to take care of Jeanne walked me through all the documents and explained everything that was being signed. Maria was the nurse that was in charge when my dad. She went over all the medications and doctor's orders and informed me that my dad was in great hands. During the stay, the staff will ask you to come in and go talk about the facility and how they plan to help you. I was introducing individuals that would deal with my father's physical therapy, medical needs, dietary needs, entertainment, social worker. Don’t be overwhelmed with this meeting everyone was very nice and wants to know your expectations and how they can help. Every week, you will be called by someone, who will oversee the patient's stay and share the progress. In our case, it was Vina she was the physical therapist director. She even updated us when we visited just to let us know his progress. When I check in with my dad he would always say that she had already visited that day and had a great conversation with her. During the stay, my dad was very happy with the nurses and staff that took care of him. I feel that everyone there was lively and energetic. There is always someone around if you need any help. Of course, be mindful they are helping others as well so be patient. My dad’s doctor at the facility was doctor Mehran Jamali, MD, he was a great doctor and genuinely care about my dad’s wellbeing. I only wish we meet him sooner so he can be my dad’s primary physician. In our case, our family came frequently and got to know the staff very well. Everyone was very helpful and did what they can to make the stay for my dad comfortable. As the time came for us to take my dad home Katherine and Lennie made sure we had what was necessary before my dad came home. I am grateful to these people and all the help that they did for us. If you need a facility that cares about you (family and patient) during a tough time this is the place you want to be at.

Map Of Facility