Pruitthealth - Bethany

466 South Gray Street, Millen, Georgia, United States - 30442

Last Updated: May 23, 2019

2/5 Overall Rating according to

Medicare and Medicaid

Pruitthealth - Bethany is a nursing home facility located in Millen, GA that accepts patients from Medicare and Medicaid. Its current rating is 2/5 while 3.01/5 is the state average for this kind of facility. This nursing home has Corporation ownership with 100 beds approved for Medicare and Medicaid, of this beds 78.5 are currently occupied.

Overall Medicaid & Medicare Rating Information For Pruitthealth - Bethany

The data below is based on information provided from online reviews and information released by Medicare.

Overall Rating

The overall rating for Pruitthealth - Bethany takes into account various factors including health ratings, fines, staffing, quality and penalty information.

Rating is 2/5

Health Rating

This rating is based on a weighted average of recent health audits.

Rating is 2/5

Quality Rating

Pruitthealth - Bethany's quality rating is based on data assesed from clinical measurements.

Rating is 5/5

Staff Rating

Pruitthealth - BethanyCenter’s staff rating is formed by different measures of staffing such as how much time nurses and health experts spend on each of the patient in the facility.

Rating is 1/5

Pruitthealth - Bethany Pictures

Pruitthealth - Bethany

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Facility Information For Pruitthealth - Bethany

Below you find the most important statistics for Pruitthealth - Bethany in Millen. For more information you can also visit the website.

Nursing Home Information

  • Medicare and Medicaid
  • Located In Hospital
  • On Medicaid Since 10/1/05
  • Continuing Care Retirement Community
  • Changed Ownership In Last 2 Years

Safety & Health Information

  • Has Sprinkler System
  • 0 Substantiated Complaint
  • $0 Total Fines
  • 0 Facility Incidents

Staff Information

  • 0.37 staff hours per resident per day
  • 3.09 nurse hours per resident per day

Other Information

  • 0.37 staff hours per resident per day
  • 3.09 nurse hours per resident per day

Compare Pruitthealth - Bethany to Nearby Facilities

Pruitthealth - Bethany is ranked 27 out of total 40 Nursing Homes Facilities in the city of Millen, 105 out of 150 facilities within 100 mile radius and 226 out of 359 facilities within the state of Georgia.

Millen Nursing Home Facilities
27th out of 40 facilities
Top 33% of 40 nursing home facilities in Millen
Nursing Home Facilities within 100 miles of Pruitthealth - Bethany
105th out of 150 facilities
Top 30% of 150 nursing home facilities within 100 miles
Georgia Nursing Home Facilities
226th out of 359 facilities
Top 37% of 359 nursing home facilities in Georgia

SeniorServiceDirectory Reviews for Pruitthealth - Bethany

We currently have 1 review(s) for this provider. Add yours below.


  • FOOD




Randy Eller on 24 Feb 2022 :
My Father was moved to this VA contracted facility 2 weeks ago. Since then, he has not received the diet, liquids, medications or care he was supposed and medically required to receive. The level of care and service is absolutely appalling! When we visited him we found him in filthy condition, his clothes and linens had not been changed, the medical patches for his sores had not been applied at all! He had no water and had to call us on his phone so that we could call the "staff" at the desk to bring him water! The gave him medications that he wasn't supposed to have, hours went by without his wellbeing being checked, meanwhile the "staff" sat on their rears at the desk looking at their phones and ignoring the patients. Any request of help at the desk was met with slack-jawed blank stares from the insult to health care that call themselves nurses and aides. They lost his clothing and blankets that were given him. His health seriously and dangerously declined in this place. Today, my family pulled him from this facility and moved him to a real facility where he is already getting the care he should have been receiving. PruittHealth- Bethany is a disgrace! How can they call themselves a care facility when they mistreat their patients this way? My Father is safe from them now, but I will make it my family's personal crusade the bring justice to the poor souls that are left there. Our nations veterans and the people who are entrusted to this place's care deserve better. When the VA called to check on my Fathers care, they were outright lied to by this facility! Now, he is being examined by doctors and his condition carefully noted so that action can be taken to remove this facility's contract. I feel so bad for the poor patients who are still there, but my family will do everything we can to bring them justice and help. My Father is a decorated war veteran, who served his country and lived his life with honor, it breaks my heart that he had to spend 2 weeks in the hands of such a pathetic example of elderly care. Those patients who are left behind, still in the care of these monsters, please hang on. My family will get you help as soon as possible.

Map Of Facility