The Rivers Health & Rehab Center Of Grosse Pointe

900 Cook Road, Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan, United States - 48236

Last Updated: May 23, 2019

4/5 Overall Rating according to

Medicare and Medicaid

The Rivers Health & Rehab Center Of Grosse Pointe is a nursing home facility located in Grosse Pointe Woods, MI that accepts patients from Medicare and Medicaid. Its current rating is 4/5 while 3.55/5 is the state average for this kind of facility. This nursing home has Partnership ownership with 86 beds approved for Medicare and Medicaid, of this beds 60.8 are currently occupied.

Overall Medicaid & Medicare Rating Information For The Rivers Health & Rehab Center Of Grosse Pointe

The data below is based on information provided from online reviews and information released by Medicare.

Overall Rating

The overall rating for The Rivers Health & Rehab Center Of Grosse Pointe takes into account various factors including health ratings, fines, staffing, quality and penalty information.

Rating is 4/5

Health Rating

This rating is based on a weighted average of recent health audits.

Rating is 3/5

Quality Rating

The Rivers Health & Rehab Center Of Grosse Pointe's quality rating is based on data assesed from clinical measurements.

Rating is 4/5

Staff Rating

The Rivers Health & Rehab Center Of Grosse PointeCenter’s staff rating is formed by different measures of staffing such as how much time nurses and health experts spend on each of the patient in the facility.

Rating is 4/5

The Rivers Health & Rehab Center Of Grosse Pointe Pictures

The Rivers Health & Rehab Center Of Grosse Pointe

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Facility Information For The Rivers Health & Rehab Center Of Grosse Pointe

Below you find the most important statistics for The Rivers Health & Rehab Center Of Grosse Pointe in Grosse Pointe Woods. For more information you can also visit the website.

Nursing Home Information

  • Medicare and Medicaid
  • Located In Hospital
  • On Medicaid Since 10/30/15
  • Continuing Care Retirement Community
  • Changed Ownership In Last 2 Years

Safety & Health Information

  • Has Sprinkler System
  • 11 Substantiated Complaint
  • $18,948 Total Fines
  • 0 Facility Incidents

Staff Information

  • 0.64 staff hours per resident per day
  • 4.38 nurse hours per resident per day

Other Information

  • 0.64 staff hours per resident per day
  • 4.38 nurse hours per resident per day

Compare The Rivers Health & Rehab Center Of Grosse Pointe to Nearby Facilities

The Rivers Health & Rehab Center Of Grosse Pointe is ranked 51 out of total 173 Nursing Homes Facilities in the city of Grosse Pointe Woods, 195 out of 472 facilities within 100 mile radius and 159 out of 442 facilities within the state of Michigan.

Grosse Pointe Woods Nursing Home Facilities
51st out of 173 facilities
Top 71% of 173 nursing home facilities in Grosse Pointe Woods
Nursing Home Facilities within 100 miles of The Rivers Health & Rehab Center Of Grosse Pointe
195th out of 472 facilities
Top 59% of 472 nursing home facilities within 100 miles
Michigan Nursing Home Facilities
159th out of 442 facilities
Top 64% of 442 nursing home facilities in Michigan

SeniorServiceDirectory Reviews for The Rivers Health & Rehab Center Of Grosse Pointe

We currently have 1 review(s) for this provider. Add yours below.


  • FOOD




Ross M on 09 Jul 2023 :
My elderly Mother had the misfortune of being a resident within the Rehabilitation section at the Rivers of Grosse Pointe from June 6 through July 3. I was with her most every day for 8-10 hours, and in the few days I could not be there, one of my siblings stepped in. Our overall experience with The Rivers left a lot to be desired due to the lack of consistent, compassionate, and professional care for my Mother. It became obvious very early that the Rehabilitation section is understaffed in all positions (Nursing, Technicians, Aids). It is even worse on weekends. This is based on my 28 days and over 250 hours of staying with my Mother to ensure she was getting the contracted services as promised. I give them a grade of 2/5 stars; and it would be worse except for the fact that most of the personnel seem to care about their residents and take personal accountability in their actions in the administration of competent and compassionate care. The problems we experienced were troubling and systemic. Their procedures are inconsistently applied or not known. Several of the employees lack adequate training, or they just do not care. It would be interesting to know what the average length of employment is for staff, but from talking with them there were several that were new or had less than 3 months. In two cases, they were temporary employees from an Employment Agency and it was their first day at the Rivers. Often, there were different interpretations about standard procedure depending on which employee entered the room. This ranged from personal hygiene (adult diapers/barrier cream/bandages/compression wraps), kitchen/nutrition (inconsistency in specified beverages), medication dosing, application of skilled nursing and availability of resident health information. Worse, some staff members would not take responsibility and blame it on someone/something else (another Technician or Nurse, the kitchen, etc.) In one example, it was suggested we inform the nutritionist regarding Mom’s beverage needs essential for food swallowing with every meal, which were then added to her resident profile. Seems simple enough, but nothing is simple getting things done at the Rivers. Even with this information printed on each meal ticket, at least once a day we had to ask this to be honored. I found out it is the Techs responsibility to dress each tray with resident’s beverages as it was received from the kitchen. The blame game went on most every day for this and other issues. I could always count on excuses from some staff members, not the accountability and competent service expected. Response times for assistance of any kind were poor, consistently averaging between 5 to 12 minutes. Upon arrival, they would press a button in the resident’s room console to confirm the request and silence the chime and corresponding hallway light. I grew accustomed to the regular sound of chimes while residents waited for help. I will refrain from calling out the staff by name in this review that were routinely dismissive and rude, of which there were three that come to mind. Two of them were nurses and were very difficult to deal with the entire time. Fortunately, the Physical/Occupational Therapy personal attending to my Mother’s needs were very capable and kind. Thank you, Amanda, Star, Mike, and Bert. Also, there are several Techs/Aids that were outstanding. Thank you, Armani, Carmel, Erica, Thea, Tenisha, Catherine (Cat), and Miss V. The same for Nurses Sade, Shakira, and Jasmin. The Rivers needs more people like this. Finally, I would not recommend The Rivers Rehabilitation Facility to anyone, regardless of age, condition or the availability of a family member or loved one to spend the time necessary for the advocacy of professional and compassionate care. It was a daily struggle with their systemic issues, inconsistency, and quality of care. Quite frankly, it was not worth it as there are other facilities available. I did briefly address my concerns with John Toupin, Administrator for The Rivers. Be the Change.

Map Of Facility